Keep your bank compliant with all of the industry’s changing regulations.@htag>
Reviews provided by United Bankers’ Bank’s compliance and banking experts will ensure your bank properly discloses necessary regulations and is current with the latest industry regulatory requirements.
UBB Compliance Services provides four types of reviews:@htag>
- Compliance Reviews
- Website Reviews
- Policy Reviews
- Advertisement & Disclosure Reviews
Compliance Review
A UBB Compliance Services expert will conduct an onsite and in-depth regulatory review to determine how current regulations apply to your institution’s operations. These independent reviews will ensure your bank is properly disclosing the following regulations:
- Loan File Review: Regulations Z, RESPA (X), Flood, SAFE ACT, HMDA, SCRA/MLA, and FCRA
- Deposit Operations Review: Regulations D, E, CC, and DD
- Specialty Banking Reviews (Cannabis Banking, Money Services, Crypto, and other Higher Risk Banking Programs)
- CRA and Fair Lending Reviews
- HMDA Scrubs
- AML/CFT Program and Software Validation
- Mergers and Acquisitions/ DeNovo Due Diligence
- In addition to many other regulatory reviews such as UDAAP, Advertising, and more
Website Review@htag>
This review will consist of a comprehensive analysis of your bank’s website to ensure any redesigning or updating you do is compliant with the latest industry regulatory requirements.
Policy Review and Development@htag>
A UBB Compliance expert will review your current policies and work with your bank to develop new ones while ensuring your institution is up-to-date and compliant with all industry regulations.
Advertisement and Disclosure Review@htag>
A UBB Compliance expert will review your advertisements and disclosures to ensure they meet regulatory compliance requirements.
This service is ideal if your bank plans to:@htag>
- Add or develop a new product
- Create an advertisement
- Reconfigure a current disclosure
- Add digital account opening
Benefits of receiving a UBB Compliance Services review:@htag>
- Keep your bank compliant and current with today’s regulatory requirements
- Expand your compliance department’s level of expertise
- Answers and information that you can trust
Take the next step in ensuring your bank is compliant and up-to-date with all regulatory requirements.