Equal House Lender - FDIC

How Can We Help You?

Quickly and securely search and archive your online transaction data.

United Bankers' Bank's online data archive, called UStore, provides community banks with instant access to archived transactional data, saving you both time and money and enabling the ability to generate timely reports for regulators to review.
Through UStore's storage and search capabilities, your bank can run daily inquiries and reports across multiple applications, including ACH, image cash letters, wires, and more, all for one low monthly fee.

Most importantly, UStore deploys the industry's latest data storage and online security protocols to protect your information, including SSL encryption, RAID 6 protection, and biometrically controlled user access.

Features of the UStore Online Archiving Service:

  • Stores and archives your bank’s transactional data
  • Runs daily inquiries across multiple applications
  • Provides instant access to archived transaction data
  • Generates timely reports for management and regulatory review

Benefits of UStore's Online Archiving Service:

  • Fast access to current and historical transactional data
  • Save your community bank both research time and money
  • Eliminate the need to invest in and maintain new servers and technology
  • Meets industry-leading storage and online security protocols
  • One low monthly fee
  • Easy enrollment if you already have access to UBB's Online Banking service, UNET.web

Start saving time and money by archiving your bank’s transaction data with UBB’s UStore online archiving service.

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