Equal House Lender - FDIC

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Digital Persona Sensor Installation

NOTE: If this is a replacement sensor for this PC, the software is already installed so you can plug the sensor in and use it without installing software again.

If you plan to install the sensor on a PC that has not had a sensor before, the following instructions will walk you through the installation process.

Please close all programs before starting the installation process. Once the installation has been completed, you must restart the PC.

Please follow the step by step instructions listed below:

Click here to start the installation process.

Note: This requires a user with administrative rights to the PC.

1.    A new window will open containing the Digital Persona link. Select the appropriate version for your PC.

2.    When the dialogue box opens, click the “Open” button, and the installation process will begin.

3.    Select Typical when asked if it is a Typical or Custom installation.

4.    Once installation is completed, Restart the PC.


After the restart, go to the Internet and select Tools/Internet Options.

Select the Security tab, ensure Trusted Sites is highlighted, and click the Sites button on the right.


Add the following sites:

  • https://banking.unet.ubb.com
  • https://exchange.unet.ubb.com
  • https://sso.unet.ubb.com
  • https://auth.unet.ubb.com
  • https://www.ubb.com

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